Welcome our newest member into the House of Alpha!
​Welcome Bro. Michael T. Crawford to the House of Alpha, SPR 18 Initiate of the Alpha Lambda Chapter. Crawford grew up in Springfield, Ohio. He is the sibling to three brothers and one sister. Church was a strong influence to him and his family, as his parents were both pastors. While in his hometown of Ohio, Crawford obtained his minister’s license and taught Sunday school. After graduating from high school, Crawford entered the military and served as a combat medical. While in the Army, he was stationed in Kentucky, Texas, Maryland, and New Jersey. He received two medals for serving in Operation Desert Storm (Southwest Asia Service Medal and National Defense the Service Medal). After an honorable discharge from the service, Crawford later attended Franklin University in Columbus, Ohio, where he received a bachelor degree in Business Administration. Today Crawford resides in Louisville, Ky. with his family, and is employed at EnovaPremier where he is the Vice President of Manufacturing and Customer Relations. While in the State of Kentucky, Crawford has participated with Habitat for Humanity, as well as volunteered with other city activities. Crawford quotes, “Joining Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. is a positive life-changing milestone for me. The opportunity is rare to have your life changed in such a grand way. I want to thank all the Brothers who had a direct hand in my development, as well as, those Brothers who live the life of Alpha men daily. All of you inspired me to begin my journey.” The chapter looks forward to utilizing Crawford’s skillsets, as it is believed that we are all a helping hand. Onward and Upward!